Friday, November 19, 2010

Standing Up For Ol' Glory

Okay, I'll take at least a momentary break from the TSA nightmare to something that's much more least, at the end.

Cody Alicea, a 13-year old middle school kid in California, rode his bike to school flying the American flag. Being California, the school suddenly demanded that he take the flag off his bike because it caused 'racial tensions', and would no longer be allowed on school property.

Um...what?! How can a school in America ban the American flag for any reason, let alone for causing racial tensions? And on the week of Veteran's Day, no less?? California is nuts, and hopeless.

But, the American people came to his rescue, bringing an incredible amount of pressure to the school until the administration relented and allowed the flag back on his bike. To celebrate the victory, hundreds of vets and others met at a rally to support his courage, and they all escorted Cody to school...with very large American flags on their bikes, of course:

It saddens me greatly to see that permission for a school kid flying the American flag has to be a victory to be won. What is happening to this country?

Nevertheless, the response from good, patriotic Americans really helps restore my faith in the American people. Our elected leaders and school officials is another story, but as long as John and Jane Doe out there continue to act out American values, there's hope.

Bravo Cody, and bravo to the Californians who stood by him!

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