Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Ramp-Up

So, the election is tomorrow.  Are you going to vote?

Let's talk about this election a little bit.  

In addition to Obamacare, takeovers of the auto industry, insurance, housing, financial industry, and others, there are a number of reasons that the American people are really, really hacked off right now.  Overall, I think people understand (and for those who tried to give Obama and the Dems a chance, they've finally acknowledged) that there is a fundamental chasm between those running the country right now and those living in the country right now.  A few more illustrations include the Department of Justice openly practicing racial politics, liberals refusing to begin a debate with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (fortunately, the crowd stood up and did it anyway over the moderator's protests), the telling fact that as hated as George W. Bush was when he left office more Americans prefer him as President to Barack Obama, and the even more telling fact that most Americans (65%) would just as soon get rid of the entirety of our current political leadership and start over fresh.  And did you hear the one about law-abiding and law-upholding American citizens being 'enemies' of Latinos?  Obama is calling for those enemies to be 'punished'.  That means you and me...we are enemies of this administration simply because we believe American law should be enforced!  That could help explain why Independents are flocking to the Right.

Prepare for a sea change in the political make-up of our leadership.

Sadly, the Left has already begun their only remaining avenues of stemming the losses from this election: personal attacks, cheating, deceit, and fraud.  We knew that massive voter fraud was going to happen, but it's still infuriating to watch it happen in front of our eyes.  The one difference that I see this year is that the entire Leftist establishment is becoming more and more cohesive in its efforts, from the politicians to the courts to law enforcement to the media, and so on.  They're no longer a bunch of different and separate groups of Leftists, they're now congealing into a single Leftist swamp of garbage that is trying to engulf the entire nation by force.  Take a look around the nation at what's already been documented before the election officially begins:
- illegal immigrants are canvassing for Dems in Washington state
- union cronies are registering thousands of illegal votes in Colorado
- people changing clothes and voting more than once in North Carolina
- electronic voting machines in North Carolina pre-populating Democrats
- ...and in Nevada...where voting machines are serviced by unions and controlled by Dem Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son, and where the SecState is doing nothing about it
- in Illinois, push-polls are falsely smearing the GOP candidate and Democrat county officials are refusing to send absentee ballots to overseas members of the military
- in Arizona, Dems are buying votes with pizza
- In Delaware, a TV station 'forgot' to run a paid 30-minute ad by the GOP candidate...twice

As you can see, it's a holistic effort from all bastions of Leftism.

Why the desperation?  Well, it's partly the obvious result of wanting to retain power and control, and common ideology.  But there's always more to it than the easy answer.  In this case, one of the huge motivators is the unions that have propelled Democrats into power so often:

Very soon, Democrats and their union bosses' worst fears may soon be realized and, if they cannot continue their slight of hand, it may threaten their very existence. While it is true that Democrats and their union bosses are facing possibly debilitating losses on November 2nd, they are hiding the really bad news from voters until after November 2nd.

Do you remember that promise we heard back in 2008 about transparency?  Democrats and, in particular, then-candidate Barack Obama stated emphatically that "transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency." What a joke that was.  Well, it's time to shed some light on the house of cards that is about to come crashing down on Democrats' and union bosses' heads.  

"This is Armageddon."

In June, a conversation took place in a hotel restaurant in Washington. As a latecomer to the conversation, it was easy to pick up that the topic that was the $165 billion union pension bailout bill introduced by Sen. Bob Casey [D-PA] in March.

Upon introductions, one of the individuals stated, "this is Armageddon."

When asked for clarification, the person explained about the accounting rules developed to shore up underfunded union pensions and the dates when those union companies affected would have to assume their liabilities had the DC crowd (in particular, the Democrats and the unions) in a panic.

Here's the bottom line: 

There are some 1,500 multiemployer pension plans in the United States, which are unique to unions. In these plans, multiple companies pay into the pension plan, but each company assumes the total liability.

Under "last man standing" accounting rules, if five companies are in a plan and four go bankrupt, the fifth company is responsible for meeting the pension obligations for the employees of the other four companies.

What this means is that companies with union labor often have pension liabilities that are several multiples higher than the pension expenditures they report — the Kroger grocery store chain shocked analysts last year when it disclosed its multiemployer pension liabilities more than doubled in a year to $1.2 billion.


FASB's new rule could effectively wipe out the paper worth of many companies, especially in the trucking and construction industries. Once banks and creditors are aware of these staggering pension liabilities, it will make it nearly impossible for union businesses to get loans, credit lines or bonding.

This could potentially wipe out union after union after union.  Even worse, when Democrats have been promising the world to union employees for their support in driving policy, just imagine what's going to happen when the entire system implodes.  The final blow is that the rest of the country is going to see this all play out in its uglyness, and who's going to be to blame for all of these unfunded liabilities and the subsequent economic devastation?


Thus, the reference to armageddon.  For them, that is.  For the rest of us, it's the beginning of the long journey back.  And make no mistake, there are far more of us than there are of them!

Regardless, even the biggest name predictors are saying it's going to be a gigantic landslide of a defeat for the Democrat Left.  Despite the fact that Obama himself isn't on the ballot, his actions and policies most definitely are, and even he admits it.  The question is: when America resoundingly rejects those actions and policies, will he change his tune?

No.  In fact, Obama -- the 'Great Uniter', remember -- has already pledged to fight Republicans 'day and night' if they win big.  More on that in the next few days of post-election coverage.  For now, I want to close with some excerpts from a Wall Street Journal piece that examines the big picture and how this will be the fourth repudiation of liberal Democrat leadership over the past few decades:

Democrats and their allies are already rationalizing their likely defeat next Tuesday, variously blaming the economy, GOP obstructionism, corporate money, or an inexplicable collapse in President Obama's communications skills. Whatever minor truth lies in these excuses, they obscure the larger reality: Americans appear ready to repudiate Democratic governance ...

It's especially amusing to hear liberal complaints about the 111th Congress, because the reality is that Democrats have achieved most of what they set out to do. With only 40 Senate votes, Republicans couldn't stop a whisper until Mr. Brown arrived, and even then they let through financial reform and another round of stimulus spending. From her liberal perch, Mrs. Pelosi has a point when she laments that Democrats aren't getting credit for their legislative achievements. And our guess is that soon after November 2 the lads at MSNBC and the New York Times will speak of this as a liberal Golden Age and defend its every act.

Mrs. Pelosi's real problem is with the American people. They understand what Democrats have achieved, and they dislike it. They thought they had elected a President who would focus on the economy, but instead they got the most far-reaching liberal social policies since the 1960s. Those policies have frightened business and produced a capital and hiring strike.

Americans were told the $814 billion stimulus would hold the jobless rate below 8%, but two years later it is 9.6% and the economic recovery has stalled. They were promised fiscal restraint, and instead they got spending at a postwar high of 25% of GDP. They were told ObamaCare would lower insurance costs, but so far it has produced only higher costs and fewer health-care choices. They were promised a tax cut, but they can see tax increases coming next year, in 2013, and later to pay for all the spending. This is what has driven the electorate to the verdict it will render on Tuesday.

This piece is gold from start to finish, and if you want to understand the historical context of this election, it's a great place to start.

The point is that everyone knows the Dems are going to get slaughtered.  They can't run proudly on anything they've actually accomplished because they accomplished every single one of those things against the will of most of America.  If they bragged about their accomplishments, they'd suffer even worse losses than they already face.  So, the only options they have left are to flip-flop and lie on the issues, to attack, smear, and cheat.

If you happen to experience any of these attempts at cheating, whip out your cellphone and video the whole thing.  Get the poll workers involved and absolutely REFUSE to go away until you get the vote entered that you want to cast.  Then post your video on YouTube and send it to some of the major organizations on the Right, or send it to me and I'll get it sent around.  Don't be intimidated, and don't wander away without voicing your desires for the future of this nation.

This is too important to shrug your shoulders over.  Tomorrow we begin taking back this country, and it starts with a vast and resounding rejection of the Obama plan to remake America.

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