Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Evening Election Update

A quick look at Drudge shows the following header:

Clearly, things are working out in favor for the Right.  There are also a bunch of links about how the Dems/Reps are winning such and such states, but I think those are the results of exit polls more than anything else, so I'm not putting much stock into them yet.  Keep in mind that polls are still open in two of the four time zones, so by declaring winners in certain states (even just from exit polls), it is possible to depress turnout in the Mountain and Pacific time zones.  I suspect this is what's going on.  If nothing else, we know for a fact that exit polls are just about the most unreliable indicator we could possibly use, so let's keep watching to see what happens.

Here are some places to follow the returns (that aren't mainstream media), if you'd like:

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