Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Elitism And Wealth Creation

Here are parts two and three of Bill Whittle's series on defining conservatism.  These are both excellent, but pay special attention to the wealth creation one.  It's hard to get a much better explanation of the key differences between the liberal viewpoint and the conservative viewpoint than this.

Hot Air adds this analysis regarding the wealth creation video:

This really is the fundamental economic divide between the Left and Right.  If one believes that wealth is a zero-sum game and that people can only accrue wealth at the expense of others, then redistributionism and socialism make perfect sense (except that neither works in practice, which comes into play in a moment).  If, however, wealth creation is an unlimited process and real wealth can and does grow, then open markets and something approaching laissez-faire makes more sense for an economic system.
Which one works?  All we need to do is look at history for the answer.
The short version is that the U.S. is based on the latter, and command-and-control economies like Communism and Socialism are based on the former.  Ironically, it is the command-and-control economies that are based on the idea of taking assets from one group and simply giving them to another group based on political whims.  This is precisely what the Left is constantly accusing the U.S. and free market systems of doing, though the reality is the opposite.

And oh, by the way, a whopping 75% of Americans think the free market is a better system than a government-controlled system.  If you split that number out into the Political Class and the Mainstream voters, it's even worse: 90% of Mainstream voters prefer the free market...but only 34% of the Political class do.  Is it any wonder the American people are revolting at the hands of their Political Class overlords right now?

Thus we're now seeing lots of polls like this one from right here in Missouri where only 9% of voters approve of the job Congress is going.

What happens when the Political class govern against the will of the people?  They get tossed out.  Just more week, and you'll see a wave of tossing that I believe will be unlike anything we've seen before.

It'll be the first step toward saving America.

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