The NFL season ended last night not with a bang, but a whimper, as the Toydaria Wattos steamrolled Peyton Manning's Hoth Tauntauns on their way to victory. Or, at least, that's how it would have gone in the imagination of John Raya, a designer who lovingly reimagined every NFL team's logo and helmet on his way to re-branding them all for the Star Wars universe.
The project maintains each team's color scheme and basic visual identity: the Denver Broncos, for example, became the Tauntaun Hoths by keeping the left side of the team's horse-logo head, while replacing the face with that of the frigid beasts of the Star Wars ice planet, while the Wattos take the visual tone of the Seahawks' totem bird and replace it with The Phantom Menace's greedy shopowner.
Some of the helmet redesigns required little change: The Minnesota Vikings became the Shili Togrutas--named for a blink-and-you'll-miss-'em species that appeared in Attack of the Clones--merely by adding some shading to the horns. Others, like the Ryloth Interceptors, barely resemble the Atlanta Falcons on which they're based. In either case, though, poring over the images should help pass the time for the specific type of nerd whose Venn-diagram of interests includes both professional football and Star Wars until the start of next year's NFL season, which'll in turn bring us five months closer to Star Wars: Episode VII.
This is definitely one of those things I wish I'd thought of! Hit the link above to see every helmet. My favorites are the Falcons, Colts, and Cardinals, with an honorable mention to the Titans and Cowboys: Unfortunately, I think the Chiefs got a rather lame adaptation: *sigh* The designer must be a Raiders fan. But at least we're better off than the Redskins...
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