Thursday, August 30, 2012

RNC Convention Update...And Rising Democrat Panic

Mitt Romney is officially the GOP nominee for President.  But we already knew that was going to happen at the RNC convention.  What's more interesting is what else took place there.  Here's a brief recap of what's gone down so far.

We start off with the media-driven panic over Hurricane Isaac.  They suggested the RNC cancel the convention, but those darn Republicans actually looked at the hurricane path maps and saw there was no significant danger to Tampa.  Liberals everywhere (including the "unbiased" media), lamenting that the hurricane had changed direction, nevertheless continued hoping against hope that the hurricane would somehow still kill every Republican at the convention.  One media producer even got busted on an open mic suggesting that Republicans were "happy to have a party with black people drowning" (never mind that Obama was actively engaged in campaigning at the same moment).  He was promptly fired, but the widespread consistent sentiment makes it look like it was more as a result of simply being caught than for actually making the suggestion.

This is your Party of Tolerance, mind you.

But we move on.  The first day of the convention included a number of speakers, with some mixed results.  The headliners were Chris Christie and Ann Romney.  From what I've read, Romney did well and seemed pretty down-to-earth.  Christie was a bit of a disappointment because he was pretty toned down despite his well-deserved reputation for dressing down stupid reporters, union thugs, and liberals in town hall meetings throughout New Jersey.  They were good, though not stellar.  On the first night it was the small-name speakers who really brought it home. Mia Love, a Congressional candidate in Utah and Mayor of Saratoga Springs, brought the house down.  If she wins her race, she will be the first Republican African-American in Congress.  Others included Artur Davis, the former Democrat Rep who was the person to second Obama's nomination in 2008, Governor Nikki Haley, and Ted Cruz, a senatorial candidate from Texas, and all of them were extremely well-spoken and well-received.

Not that you would know that from the liberal media coverage, of course.  Some, like MSNBC, actually cut away from the convention coverage for every -- literally, every single one -- speaker who wasn't a rich white guy.  The outlets who did acknowledge minority speakers simply accused the Republican party of putting a brown face on a white party.  Um, how much sense does it make to elevate minorities to positions of genuine power and prominence if that really isn't the sentiment of the party?  Seems to me that the more this kind of a 'facade' is put up, the more this facade becomes reality.  Anyway, you don't hear or see any of this in the liberal media because they want everyone to think that minorities only support the Democrat party.  The truth is that more and more minorities are departing from the Democrat plantation because the Republican party actually offers more genuine hope for prosperity and success for everyone in the country, and to hear the likes of Davis so clearly and boldly enunciate the differences has got to be devastating:

Other speakers came and went, talking about how they have actually created real jobs and improved state after state after state.  That's a statistical fact - of the 17 states that elected a Republican governor in 2010, every single one of them has seen a decrease in unemployment:

Kansas - 6.9% to 6.1% = a decline of 0.8 [percentage points (11.6 percent)]
Maine - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6 [percentage points  (7.5 percent)]
Michigan - 10.9% to 8.5% = a decline of [2.4 percentage points (22 percent)]
New Mexico - 7.7% to 6.7% = a decline of [1.0 percentage points (13 percent)] 
Oklahoma - 6.2% to 4.8% = a decline of [1.4 percentage points - (22.6 percent)]
Pennsylvania - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of [.6 percentage points  (7.5 percent)]
Tennessee - 9.5% to 7.9% = a decline of [1.6 percentage points (16.8 percent)]
Wisconsin - 7.7% to 6.8% = a decline of [0.9 percentage points (11.9 percent)]
Wyoming - 6.3% to 5.2% = a decline of [1.1 percentage points (17.5 percent)]
Alabama - 9.3% to 7.4% = a decline of [1.9 percentage points  (20.4 percent)] 
Georgia - 10.1% to 8.9% = a decline of [1.2 percentage points (11.9 percent)]
South Carolina - 10.6% to 9.1% = a decline of [1.5 percentage points (14.2 percent)]
South Dakota - 5.0% to 4.3% = a decline of [0.7 percentage points (14 percent)]
Florida - 10.9% to 8.6% = a decline of [2.3 percentage points (21 percent)] 
Nevada - 13.8% to 11.6% = a decline of [2.2 percentage points (15.9 percent)]
Iowa - 6.1% to 5.1% = a decline of [1.0 percentage points (16.4 percent)]
Ohio - 9.0% to 7.3% = a decline of [1.7 percentage points (18.9 percent)] 

Real results?  Hm, how about that...

Day 2 contained even more great speakers.  New Mexico Governor Susan Martinez was great, and by all accounts Condoleeza Rice and Paul Ryan absolutely blew the doors off.  Observe:

If this is the philosophy, focus, and prioritzation of a future Romney administration, then there's hope for America yet - time will tell, but I'd love to be proven wrong about Romney.  I'll try to grab some individual bytes of some of the best clips and statements if I can find them...but if not, it truly is worth the time to watch these entire speeches.  This is the essence of conservatism, and a fantastic explanation of why we believe the way we do.


This election truly is all about the choice of which direction America is about to take.

More updates to come...

It is perhaps understandable that Obama and the Dems are in a state of near panic while watching things like this.  After all, these are the fundamental building blocks and philosophies on which this nation was built, and which are still valued by most Americans today.  The fact that they have governed opposed to these things for the past four years should make them twitchy.  Plus, I think Paul Ryan genuinely flummoxes them.  He's a boy scout.  He's not a typical rich old guy, he's not a vicious evil REPUBLICAN, he's not scary, he's got a track record of success, people of pretty much all demographics love him, and he actually delivers the brilliance that Obama only claims to possess.  They can't figure out how to attack him, and their forays thus far onto his policies are not only obviously anti-American, but demonstrably lame.  Plus, the GOP is leading in voter registrations, Romney is ahead in favorability and overall (even with the elderly, which is typically a Dem stronghold), Romney leads by 15 with Independents, even his staunchest allies are creating political distance from him, small businesses favor Romney more than 2:1, the country is not better of today than it was four years ago (and most people know it), and they're encountering withering criticisms from all sides, even the Special Forces.

In the meantime, Obama runs away from his own (uber-friendly) press corps, and when he does allow interviews, it's truly, truly hardball stuff like this:

And their ads are full of Democrat activists pretending to be 'republicans for Obama'.  If that's the best he can do, then it's no wonder his presidency has been a complete failure.  Oh, and also, the upcoming debates should be really, really fun.

Reason for panic, indeed...

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,
    I just hope more people in your age group are watching and thinking about what they see. We have an awesome team of young people waiting in the wings. We do have a brighter future if these people succeed.
